International Educational Tours
Embarking on a Journey to Discover Global Educational Excellence

Tour To Finland
07-11 April 2024
Core Components :
Gain insights into the Finnish Education System.
Engage in workshops and lectures on Finnish educational policies and practices.
Visit schools in Oulu, Finland, and interact with international educators.
Develop skills in educational leadership and teaching practices.
Why Finnish Education?
Emphasis on student well-being and creativity.
High-quality teacher training and classroom autonomy.
Focus on collaborative learning and critical thinking.

Tour to Sweden
21 – 25 April 2024
Core Components :
Explore outdoor education and its impact on child development.
Learn about forest learning skills integral to the Swedish education system.
Visit educational establishments in Lidköping, Sweden, for firsthand observations.
Why Swedish Education?
Innovative Pedagogy and a child-centric approach.
Emphasis on outdoor learning and inclusivity.
Holistic approach to student well-being.

Tour to Italy
19– 22 May 2024
Core Components :
Delve into the Reggio Approach to early years and primary education.
Explore the culture of the atelier and the "100 languages of children."
Participate in workshops at the Loris Malaguzzi International Center in Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Why Italian Education?
Child-centered approach and project-based learning.
Emphasis on collaboration, documentation, and community engagement.
Innovative and inspiring learning environments.

What we offer?
Elevate Your Expertise, Expand Your Network, and Enhance Your School's Quality
School Visits
Get an up-close look at educational institutions in Finland, Italy and Sweden
Specialist Lectures
Gain knowledge from experts in the Field
Workshops by International Educators
Participate in interactive learning experiences
Enjoy comfortable lodging during your stay with breakfast (Twin rooms/ Single rooms)

What you gain?
Elevate Your Expertise, Expand Your Network, and Enhance Your School's Quality
Discover International Education Best Practices: Learn from a global perspective.
Earn a Course Completion Certificate: Validate your commitment to continuous learning.
Build Connections with Global Education Experts: Expand your professional network.
Implement Newfound Knowledge: Apply your insights to enhance your school's quality.